Nervous system and muscle diseases, which are seen in every period of life from childhood to old age, are among the health problems that disrupt the comfort of life. The healthy functioning of the nerves and muscles in the body is determined by electromyography, in short EMG method. Thanks to EMG, the disease causing the problem is diagnosed in a short time and the treatment process begins

EMG (electromyography), also known as ENMG (electroneuromyography), is short for electro (electrical), neuro (nerve), myo (muscle) and grafi (writing). Electromyography is a test used to measure the natural electrical activity of muscles. The EMG determines whether the cause of the disease lies in the muscles or in the nerves supplying the muscles. EMG is a method to identify dysfunctions in nerves, to diagnose diseases affecting nerves and muscles or to determine the severity of damage.