Home Sleep Test

Home Sleep Test

A Home Sleep Test (Polysomnography) is the name of a test to diagnose sleep apnea or other sleep disorders while a person is fully asleep. While you are asleep, you will be asked about your sleep information is recorded and any sleep disorders are identified.

During the sleep test, your brain waves, blood O2 levels, heart rate and respiratory rate are evaluated. There are two parts to sleep;

  • REM (Rapid Eye Mavement) sleep
  • Non REM sleep
During REM sleep, brain activity is very high. Only the eye and respiratory muscles are active. This is the period when we dream. Non REM sleep is when brain activity slows down. episode. A person without sleep disorders switches from Non REM to REM sleep every 90 minutes and thus experiences about 4-6 sleep cycles.

By observing sleep cycles, your body's reactions to changes in these cycles can help identify potential problems in your sleep patterns.

In which cases should a sleep test be performed? It is used to assess the signs of sleep apnea and diagnose sleep disorders. Sleep apnea, breathing stops and resumes for a while during sleep is a sleep disorder characterized by

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute warns that untreated sleep disorders increase the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke. Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Loud and continuous snoring
  • Periods of breath holding and breath hunger during sleep
  • Restless sleep
Some Sleep Disorders as a Result of the Test
  • Narcolepsy (Daytime, deep sleep attacks)
  • Sleep-related fainting (seizures)
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Chronic insomnia (difficulty falling asleep)
  • REM sleep behavior disorders (sleepwalking person)
  • Our team will be ready at your home on the day and time scheduled for you.
  • Our sleep technician will place the recorder electrodes on your head to measure your brain activity and eye movements, on your chest to measure your respiratory movements, and on your body and places it on your legs to measure your movements. You may find it difficult to sleep with wires attached. But these electrodes, which are glued to your skin, can keep you comfortable throughout the night. are small sensors that do not.
  • The device, which records during the sleep period, is taken from your home by our team at the end of the process (in the morning).
  • Recorded brain waves, heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, blood O2 level, body positions, sleep pattern, limb movements, snoring, Your attacks are evaluated by a physician.
  • Your report will be shared with you within two days.
  • If sleep apnea is detected according to your sleep test result, a CPAP titration test should be performed on another night. The CPAP test provides the pressure needed to compensate for sleep apnea. is used for determination.
What are the Differences Between a Home or Hospital Sleep Test?
  • It can take a long time to make an appointment at the hospital for a sleep test and follow the processes.
  • You may be late for your appointment for the test at the hospital and have problems planning your time. Being at home is therefore advantageous.
  • The at-home test is personalized for you in the comfort of your own home and bed, ease of administration and protection of your privacy.
  • There is no significant difference between the cost of a home sleep test and a hospital test.
What to do before a sleep test;
  • Do not sleep during daylight hours on the day of the test. Short naps during the day may make it difficult to fall asleep at night.
  • Avoid liquid foods containing alcohol and caffeine, which can make it difficult to fall asleep
  • Do not take sedatives or stimulants
  • Male patients are advised to shave their beard for the sensitivity of the electrodes.
  • Your regular medication will not adversely affect your test result
  • Patients with pacemakers can have a sleep test
  • At least 4 hours of sleep is sufficient for the sleep test to give effective and accurate results.