If sleep, which constitutes one third of the life span, is not sufficient and regular, many health problems may arise. Sleep disorders can lead to various serious health problems such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart attack or stroke. Sleep test, i.e. polysomnography, plays an important role in determining many problems such as snoring, breathing stops during sleep, periodic leg movements during sleep, eating disorders during sleep, epileptic seizures during sleep, and clenching teeth during sleep. In addition, a clearer diagnosis can be made as a result of the sleep test, which can also be performed at home (polygraphy)..
Polysomnography, i.e. sleep testing, is a procedure performed by recording all night long with the help of devices to determine the quality of sleep and to find the cause of sleep disturbance. As a result of these recordings, especially brain waves, depth of sleep, rhythm and depth of breathing, frequency and level of snoring, respiratory arrest and duration, oxygen level in the blood, body movements and changing lying position and heart rhythm are measured.
Which values are measured during polysomnography?