Surgery is a surgical treatment method that carries more or less risk by numbing the human body with anaesthesia. Surgical operation may be necessary for patients to regain their health in many types of diseases. The main goal is for patients to regain their health as soon as possible with careful care both in the hospital and at home after the operation. For this reason, the first care period and home care after surgical operations performed by specialised physicians are very important. Care practices should be carried out sensitively in order to prevent recurrence of the condition that caused the surgical operation, to prevent damage to the operation area or to prevent deterioration of the patient's quality of life.
How to Care After Surgery?
The treatment and assistance service that should be applied to the patient after surgical intervention is called postoperative patient care. Postoperative care services vary according to the type of operation the patient has undergone, the patient's medical history and the severity of the operation. Pain management and wound care are mainly performed in postoperative care. This care starts immediately after the end of the operation. This process continues during the patient's hospital stay and after discharge. The physicians who perform the surgery inform the patient and his/her companion about how the care will continue, side effects and complications that may occur. The concept of postoperative patient care includes the process of cleaning and disinfecting the operated area as well as supporting the patient to continue his/her vital activities. The first care of the patient coming out of the operation process is carried out in the hospital and the continuation of this care at home is requested from the patient or his/her relatives.
Postoperative Patient Care in Hospital
Patient care in the hospital after the operation starts with the admission of the patient to the intensive care unit. In low-risk operations, it may not be necessary to admit the patient to the intensive care unit. During awakening from anaesthesia, the patient is kept under observation until the patient's condition returns to normal. Then the patient is taken to the room. After the patient is taken to the patient's room after the operation, the medical staff checks the patient's fever, blood pressure, breathing and pulse. The area of surgical intervention is frequently checked for bleeding, swelling, general condition of the wound and whether there is an allergic reaction. Patients who have undergone major surgery may need to stay in hospital for several nights. This is a precautionary measure to prevent the general condition of the patient from being jeopardised again. After the patient has recovered from the anaesthesia, they are asked to stand up and walk around the room as soon as possible. The reason for walking is to normalise bowel activities and to prevent constipation. In the moving body, oedema is removed more quickly and gas output is provided. Patients who do not have a risk of discharge from the hospital are discharged and their postoperative care continues at home.
Postoperative Home Patient Care
Patients who have undergone surgery and stayed in hospital for a while are cared for at home when it is medically decided that they do not need to stay in hospital. Patients who spend a period of rest at home should pay attention to some important details in order to protect their health and avoid any complications. There may be situations where people who will care for the patient at home after the operation should have sufficient information. If the patient's relatives do not have enough information and time to spare for the patient, it is of great benefit for them to receive home patient care services after surgery. at this point, a person who will provide home patient care is needed. if you want to assign a health personnel to care for your patient; you should take great care to have a patient care licence.
What Does Postoperative Home Care Service Cover?
There are several different branches of home care: doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and carers. The responsibility and knowledge area of each professional group is different. When caring for the patient at home, medication should be followed at first. In addition to timely and regular follow-up of medication, another important issue is serum follow-up. Patients who are cared for at home have to be fed with serum until their eating and drinking status returns to normal. Since the patient cannot insert and remove his/her own serum, this process is carried out by the patient's relatives or health personnel. The patient's dressing and wound care should be done regularly. An opening in the wound may cause infection. In this case, the person caring for the patient should apply the necessary treatment to sterilise the wound or seek help from specialist health personnel. Thanks to the dressing and wound care by the health personnel, the possibility of infection is eliminated and the wound closes and heals more quickly. Movement and exercise are very important for the patient. Especially for patients who cannot perform movements on their own, the person who will perform these movements and exercises is very important. The movements should be determined by a specialist in the field and should be communicated to the person who will provide home care services. These people, whether they are professionals or relatives of the patient, should take care not to go beyond the given programme. For people who are cared for after surgery, a companion may be required when going to the health institution for doctor checks and appointments. In this case, the health officer or the patient's relatives accompany the patient and help the patient in the diagnosis and examinations of the patient in the health institution.
Home Patient Care in Surgeries After Various Diseases
Postoperative patient care for people who have had heart surgery and bypass surgery can be a little more difficult and different. Operations such as open heart surgery and heart valve replacement can be added to these. These surgeries that the patient has undergone are operations that affect the body in many ways. Side effects such as insomnia, loss of appetite, bloating, constipation and depression may occur in patients after such surgeries. It takes time for patients who have had heart surgery to regain their health completely. Patients who have undergone this type of operation may also need help and psychological support at home. Since the postoperative care of the patient is very important, health personnel should especially check the wounds carefully.
Psychological Care in Postoperative Patients
Patients who have undergone heart surgery, organ transplantation and severe surgery may have difficulty in psychological recovery after the operation. The better the psychology of the patients, the faster their recovery and return to normal life. In the post-surgical period, patients should receive psychological support to keep them happy. The psychological well-being of the health personnel who take care of the patients positively affects the patient. In this respect, it is important that the personnel on duty are selected from smiling people who love their job and behave well towards the patient. In order for psychologists to protect the patient's heart health, it contributes positively to the recovery of the patients to provide trainings in accordance with the lifestyle to reduce stress.